Monday, September 30, 2019

Pros and Cons of Same Sex Marriage

Pros and Cons of Same Sex Marriage Jasmaine Joseph April 19, 2013 Final Grade Same sex marriage is when two people with the same gender get married. Most people label it as homosexual, gay or lesbian marriage. Allowing same gender couples to legally marry is considered to be one of the most important of all  LGBT rights. Same sex marriage isn’t hurting anyone, personal I don’t have a problem with it. People should love and be able to marry anyone they please. America is supposed to be a free place.Argentina,  Belgium,  Canada,  Denmark,  Iceland the  Netherlands,  New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, and Sweden are the 12 countries that allow same sex marriage. Alaska and Hawaii were the first states to legally ban gay marriage in 1998. As of Nov. 7, 2012, gay marriage has been legalized in nine US states (ME, MD, MA, CT, IA, VT, NH, NY, and WA) and the District of Columbia. Though gay marriage wasn't legal until the 2000s, gay couples were getting married on TV shows in the 1990s.Sitcom Roseanne featured a gay marriage in 1995 while Friends featured a lesbian wedding in 1996. In 2004, the House passed what it called the Marriage Protection Act. This legislation would have prevented the federal courts from addressing the issue of marriage. The legislation was not brought up for a vote in the Senate. On May 9, 2012, President Obama made US History when he told ABC News, â€Å"I think same sex couples should be able to get married. † Obama was reelected for a second term in November, 2012.In recent polls, about 70 percent of voters under the age of 30 support same-sex marriage. It would be a major step forward for our country in ensuring all citizens have equal rights and no one is discriminated against based on things such as race, gender, religion, sexual preference, disability, and other factors that don’t determine a person’s self-worth and contribution to society. One issue that people have with same sex marriage is parenting. Scientific research shows that lesbian and gay parents are as fit and capable as heterosexual parents.I don’t think it’s fair that when a same gender couple adopt one parent has to be labeled as the step parent. Since gay couples cannot have kids naturally, this will likely increase the desire to adopt. Since there are so many kids around the country in need of adoption, this is a good thing. Marriage benefits should be available to all couples even if they are same sex. It is completely unfair to deny these privileges to people because their relationship doesn't fit the state's  definition  of one. Denying these marriages is a form of minority discrimination.Denying marriage to a homosexual couple is no different than denying marriage to  Hispanic  or black couples. An overwhelming amount of  research  has been done showing that homosexuality has a biological causation; not a genetic one, but a biological one. The easiest w ay to think of it is as a hormonal switch that gets thrown one way or the other. And if you think about it, it makes logical sense. Consider many gays and lesbians you've seen. The only thing that should matter in marriage is love. Marriage is commitments that say â€Å"I love you so much and I’m not leaving you for nothing in this world. There are lower STD rates among married homosexuals than among non-married or cohabiting homosexual couples. Married gay couples have higher average incomes than non-married or cohabiting gay couples. The same financial benefits that apply to opposite sex marriages would apply to same-sex marriages. These are some cons people have to say about same sex marriage. Most religions consider homosexuality a sin. Virtually every religion in the world, including the major ones in this country, considers homosexuality unacceptable.It is offensive and a swipe to the religious freedom of the majority to have to recognize a relationship they consider s inful. It confuses children about gender roles and expectations of society, and only a man & woman can pro-create. Children learn about expectations and gender roles from society. It's difficult to teach the importance and traditions of the family when such confusion is thrust upon them. The gay lifestyle is not something to be encouraged, as a lot of research shows it leads to a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders, and other problems.Studies show that homosexuals, for a variety of reasons, have life expectancies of approximately 20 years less than the general population. Just like a lifestyle of smoking and drinking unhealthy lifestyles should be discouraged. It would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage. Marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples because homosexual relationships have nothing to do with procreation. Allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adul t gratification.Transmission rates of STDs through homosexual intercourse are higher than heterosexual intercourse. Both cannot be biological parents of their own children. Timeline †¢ September 21, 1996: President Clinton signs the Defense of Marriage Act, banning federal recognition of same-sex marriage and defining marriage as â€Å"a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife. † †¢ December 20, 1999: The Vermont Supreme Court rules that gay and lesbian couples should be given the same rights as heterosexual couples. November 18, 2003: The Massachusetts Supreme Court rules that a ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. †¢ February 20, 2004: Sandoval County, New Mexico, issues 26 same-sex marriage licenses, but they are nullified by the state attorney general that day. †¢ February 12 to March 11, 2004: Nearly 4,000 same-sex couples get marriage licenses in San Francisco. †¢ February 24, 2004: President Bush announces support for a federal constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. †¢ February 27, 2004: New Paltz, New York, Mayor Jason West performs same-sex marriages for about a dozen couples. March 3, 2004: In Portland, Oregon, the Multnomah County Clerk's Office issues marriage licenses for same-sex couples. Benton County follows on March 24. †¢ June 7, 2004: West is issued a permanent injunction by the Ulster County Supreme Court against marrying same-sex couples. †¢ March 11, 2004: The California Supreme Court orders San Francisco to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. †¢ May 17, 2004: The first legal same-sex marriages in U. S. history are performed in Cambridge, Massachusetts. †¢ July 14, 2004: The U.S. Senate blocks a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage (48 votes out of 60 needed). †¢ August 12, 2004: The California Supreme Court orders San Francisco officials, including Mayor Gavin Newsom, not to license additional sa me-sex marriages, pending resolution of the constitutional challenges to state marriage statutes †¢ April 25, 2011: King & Spalding, the private law firm hired by House Speaker John Boehner, backs out of defending the Defense of Marriage Act. †¢ May 12, 2011: Delaware Gov.Jack Markell signs legislation allowing civil unions between same-sex couples. The bill will take effect January 1, 2012. †¢ June 14, 2011: Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York proposes the Marriage Equality Act, a bill to legalizes marriage for same-sex couples. †¢ June 14, 2011: U. S. District Court for the Northern District of California upholds a lower court ruling invalidating California's Proposition 8's ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional. The ruling had been challenged when the lower court's judge was found to be gay. June 24, 2011: The New York Senate votes to legalize same-sex marriage. Cuomo signs the bill just before midnight, and the bill goes into effect July 24, 2011. †¢ Ju ly 2, 2011: Gov. Lincoln Chafee signs legislation making Rhode Island the fifth state to allow civil unions between same-sex couples. †¢ September 30, 2011: The U. S. Department of Defense issues guidelines allowing military chaplains to perform same-sex ceremonies. †¢ January 30, 2012: Legislation to legalize same-sex marriage in the state of Washington passes a House committee vote and heads to the Senate.Gov. Chris Gregoire is in favor of the bill. †¢ February 1, 2012: The Washington state Senate passes a bill to legalize same-sex marriage by a vote of 28-21. On February 8, the House approves the measure by a vote of 55-43. †¢ February 7, 2012: A three-judge panel with the 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco rules that Proposition 8, the voter-approved same-sex marriage ban, violates the Constitution. †¢ February 13, 2012: Gregoire signs a law making same-sex marriage is signed into law in Washington state.The law will go into effect in Ju ne unless opponents halt its implementation by putting it on the November 2012 ballot. †¢ February 13, 2012: The New Jersey state Senate passes a bill to legalize same-sex marriage by a vote of 24-16. †¢ February 17, 2012: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoes a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. New Jersey lawmakers have until the legislative session ends in January 2014 to override Christie's veto and would need a two-thirds majority in both houses to succeed. †¢ February 23, 2012: The Maryland Senate passes a bill to legalize same-sex marriage.The bill passed the Maryland House vote earlier in the month, and Gov. Martin O'Malley has promised to sign it into law. The law will go into effect in the summer if it survives a likely court challenge. †¢ May 8, 2012: North Carolina voters pass a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, putting a ban that already existed in state law into the state's charter. †¢ May 9, 2012: Excerpts from an interview w ith ABC air in which Obama endorses same-sex marriage, the first such statement by a sitting president. He feels that the legal decision should be up to the states to determine. May 30, 2012: A lawsuit is filed in Illinois by nine same-sex couples challenging the constitutionality of a state law that denies same-sex couples the right to marry. References  © 2013 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved ( http://www. cnn. com/2012/05/31/us/ff-same-sex-marriage ) Written by: Joe Messerli ( http://www. balancedpolitics. org/same_sex_marriages. htm ) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage http://topics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/s/same_sex_marriage/index. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Convert Words to Pages

How to Convert Words to Pages When you are asked to write a certain number of words, you might be confused how to convert words to pages. There are different guidelines for every style of writing, depending on whether you are doing an academic project, writing an eBook, or creating company white papers. Below you can find out more about how to convert words to pages, and how to determine the right length of your project. Line Spacing and Font Type Your tutor or professor will give you the requirements for the format, including the number of words or the number of pages. You will also be told to use either single, 1.5, or double spacing. Generally, a page of double spaced page of dissertation or essay should be around 250 words. Double spaced documents have three lines per vertical inch 1.5 spaced documents have four lines per vertical inch Single spaced essays have six lines per vertical inch The most commonly used fonts for essays and dissertation are Arial and Times New Roman. Depending on the font you use, your pages to word count will change accordingly. How to Calculate Pages to Words For every single paged document, you should count 500 words as a minimum. For double spaced documents, you need a minimum of 250 words Convert words to pages per page. Generally, for 1.5 line spacing, there should be around 375 words, but this all depends on the size of the font, the font type, margins, and the number of headers. You are generally asked to use 1-inch margins all around and the most commonly preferred font size is 12. When calculating the pages to words, you will also have to take into consideration whether or not you leave extra space between paragraphs, and if you need to use indentation at the beginning of each new paragraph. It is important to note that you generally do not count title pages, headers, footnotes, reference pages, and the Abstract into the total word count. Therefore, you might have a 4 page document with a title page, abstract, and reference page double spaced that only has 250 words double spaced.Pages to Words ConverterWhile Microsoft Word and other document editing programs give you the instant word count of your document, you might want to use a pages to words converter to make sure you comply with the original requirements. One of the pages you can check is This tool allows you to check how many pages you have written. As an example, a 2000 word essay should be four to five pages if it is double spaced, and a dissertation of 100 pages needs to be at least 45,000 words, if the document is 1.5 spaced. General Rules to Convert Words to Pages When converting words to pages, you always have to check the font size, margins, and line spacing. You also have to add space for chapter titles. If you are writing a dissertation , every chapter should usually start on a new page. This means that you will possibly end up with pages that are not full.How to Use a Words to Pages ConverterIf you want to check the word count of your essay, you could use a words per page calculator that will help you convert words to pages. If you have already completed your assignment, you can copy and paste your text in the words to pages converter, and see how many pages you have written. When using the online tool to convert words to pages, follow the below steps: Enter the total number of words Choose a font Choose the font size Choose the spacing This method, however, is not completely accurate, as it does not take into consideration the margins and the chapter titles/subtitles. An alternative method to convert words to pages is to copy and paste your essay into the field on the calculator, providing the font size, type, spacing, and the margins. Word of Advice: Check Your Words to Pages It is important that you check your words to pages before submitting your college essay or dissertation. While online editing tools and Microsoft Word give you a total word count, you should ensure that you are not counting footnotes, headers, title pages, references, appendices, and other preliminary pages. The task becomes even more difficult when you have to submit a 40-page dissertation, as you are likely to have the following preliminary pages that should not be included in the word count: Page numbers Title page Dedication Acknowledgements preface List of tables List of figures List of abbreviations Abstract References/Bibliography You must also check with your university or college what they require to be included in the word count, and you might need to state the word count in the beginning of your paper. This is when a pages to words converter comes useful. Requirements Before You Start Writing While there are general rules for converting words to pages, you must always read the requirements of your institution or professor before you start writing. You must know the size and type of font you should be using, the margin and line space requirements, and the general formatting guidelines. For example, if you have to leave a space between each paragraph, you can fit fewer words on a page than if you do not use paragraph spacing. Make sure that your writing style and font is consistent throughout the document, so you can easily convert pages to words. Even if you use headers and sub-headers, they should be the same font type as the rest of the document, according to common academic editing guidelines. Confused about Converting Words to Pages? If you are still not sure how many pages your assignment should be, and how many words you should write, you can get in touch with one of our experienced writers who will assist you in understanding our requirements and formatting your document according to the guidelines set by your institution. Do you have questions or need help with writing Custom Essay or Dissertation? Contact Us Today Summary Article Name How to convert words to pages? Description This article briefly explores how to convert words to pages while writing essay and the impact of fonts and type of writing on accomplishing your objective of writing a quality document. Author Laura – our site Publisher Name our site Publisher Logo

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sales Promotional Campaign of Turkish Airlines Essay

Sales Promotional Campaign of Turkish Airlines - Essay Example Because of the company's success in capturing a larger volume of passenger as compared in 2006, and aims to increase the passenger traffic by 28% this year. (Focus on Travel News, 2007a) For this study, the student will concentrate on examining and analyzing the sales promotion campaign that has occurred in Turkish Airlines over the past two years. In the process of discussing the sales promotional campaigns made by Turkish Airlines, the student will concentrate on applying the marketing principles in each promotional activity that will be discussed in the study. The main purpose of sales promotion is to stimulate consumers' interest in developing a long-term business relationship with the airline company. (Kotler, 2000: p. 598) As a result of providing the general public with free management-advisory service with regards to the products and services offered by Turkish Airlines, sales manager are expected to develop sales promotional strategies that could attract new customers and/or frequent brand switchers. In most cases, this can be done by offering the public with low price yet high quality services. As soon as sales managers are able to capture a portion of its target market, managers should be able to satisfy the customers' individual needs to increase loyalty of its customers. For Turkish Airlines to be able to develop and implement effective sales promotional activities, sales managers should carefully identify its target market and target audience for each sales promotional campaign. Even though the target markets of Turkish Airlines are the local and international travellers, a large portion of its sales have been reported to be coming from the local citizens of Turkey. (Ogutcu, 1998) For this reason, the company should also focus on reaching the international markets to enable the company increase its global market shares. Offers '111 on Specific Destinations Since December 2006, Turkish Airlines declared to offer a one-month special destination sales promotional campaign at '111 on economy class and '333 on business class each month. (Focus on Travel News, 2007c, 2007e, 2007h, 2007i) By publicly announcing special destination promo throughout the entire month, Turkish Airlines was able to effectively capture the interests of the local citizens

Friday, September 27, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Essay Example The ultimate result is the person's ability to suppress fear is impaired, which may be due to intense fear. Person's intrinsic ability is markedly affected which leads to the fact that such victims are very anxious and feel ashamed in asking help from others or visiting the concerned medical professional like a psychologist or psychiatrist. Our brain needs time to make the proper image of the event, which does not happen in PTSD. The predisposing factors play an important role in the development of PTSD. In early childhood, if a person is neglected by his family members or beaten up severely by his father or any family member or any friend which has detached him emotionally or any sort of mental torture or sexual assault can lead to the development of PTSD. Among adults, either mental torture, any accident seen in real life, death of a loved one, assaulted sexually or physically which may have given rise to certain complications like loss of a limb, which resulted in permanent disability but this, is not necessary in every case. In addition to all above-mentioned factors, family history of any existing psychiatric illness and natural disasters like tornadoes or earthquakes can also be held responsible for the development of PTSD (Peterson, 1991). According to Elizabeth (2005), 49% of the cases of PTSD are seen in rape victims and that could be the possible explanation of the fact that PTSD is more prevalent in females as compared to males. (Peterson, 1991). Religion definitely affects the person in many ways and whether it plays any role in the development of PTSD would be a topic of debate. In general, people with strong religious beliefs are more likely to cope with stressful events and life threatening conditions. Race has also relationship with PTSD, as it is more common in Blacks and Hispanics as compared to Whites (Peterson, 1991). Management of PTSD through Coping Mechanisms We all are aware of the incident, which took place on September 11, 2001 in World Trade Centre. Among the first responders of that event who survived, Stephen King was one of them. Coping mechanisms are simply the ways by means of which person stabilizes himself after any traumatic situation and such skills are developed naturally which enables the victim not to lose control and this makes person realize that now the patient have to live with this fact. For example, if someone lost his lower limb and realized that now the patient have to live with one leg will make him feel comfortable. Coping mechanisms are an excellent and perhaps the better ways for treating PTSD. Coping enables the person to react positively against the stressful events. It may take some time for an individual to respond but it is surely effective (Kinchin, 2004). What all the victims need to do is to take care of themselves. A victim should make him busy in different activities like walking, jogging, exercise, social gatherings, going on a long drive with the loved one or visiting a picnic spot with family members or friends. A victim should discuss the events with the close friends whom

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hobbes and Rousseau's Depiction of the state of nature and human Essay

Hobbes and Rousseau's Depiction of the state of nature and human nature - Essay Example The state ought to protect the lives of its citizens. The people who elected them into power should not live in fear of their lives. They should enjoy peace and stability. With these, the law of conservation of motion Hobbes tries to tell us that human beings are constantly looking for something in life. â€Å"Life itself is but Motion, and can never be without Desire† (129-130). What he is saying is that human beings are never satisfied; they always want more and more each moment ( Rousseau and. Their search for felicity is what causes human beings to be at war with each other. When death becomes a fear, there is creation of the state. Furthermore, Hobbes argues that human beings are equal in respect to the nature. They have equal skills and power. Moreover, according to Hobbes, human beings are by nature made equal, in a sense that the human’s possess are equal in terms of skills and power. â€Å"The weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or confederacy with others† (Hobbes and Helena 183). According to Hobbes theory morality has no room because, in a state of nature there are no unjust acts. He goes ahead to say that human beings rational behavior causes them to attack others and make them obey the law of nature only when surrounded by others and sure that they are obeying the law too. By this he means that human beings are self-centered in nature and fear is what makes them to reason (Hobbes and Helena 5) In Rousseau’s state of nature, human beings are like savages, their dealings are first dogged by instant and basic requirements food, sexual satisfaction, and sleep and fear only hunger and pain. The force of self-preservation and pity drives the savage man. To him human beings are naturally affected by others’ human beings’ sufferance, in other words they have â€Å"an innate repugnance a fellow creature suffers†

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A common Misunderstanding of systems in airplanes Essay

A common Misunderstanding of systems in airplanes - Essay Example Nevertheless, the flight data recorders have been designed to withstand substantial hardships, high temperatures, and even violence such as one that occurs on impact of a plane crash. At most times, the boxes can withstand this and still be useful with regard to providing essential data to investigators. In spite of this, people should understand that at extreme temperatures that may be caused by aviation fuel fires, the boxes could be destroyed. In most instances, this damage is viewed from the point of recoverable data. The fires may destroy the data inside the data recorders making it unreadable. At such an instance, the black box was destroyed. Such a misunderstanding can be avoided in the future by educating people. If the people have prior information concerning the characteristics and behavior of a black box at certain circumstances, they would stop expecting too much out of the black box. There are usually two black boxes on commercial airplanes and their color is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

NEW VENTURE CREATION -- business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

NEW VENTURE CREATION -- business plan - Essay Example ation of business ideas making an analysis of uniqueness of product, analyzing its sale growth, customer availability, and products and services availability is crucial; and this can be made possible by conducting situational analysis. This report aims to conduct feasibility analysis for a Marvelous Hair Salon and to analyze that either the concept is marketable and valid, does the idea proves the marketability and visibility, should the salon take a start, will the project be according to the budget, quality and schedule, and are the goals of the business will be attainable in creative and consistent manners (Kaiser, 2008). In order to achieve this objective, a report has been divided into five sections. The First section gives the general description of the business with its vision and mission; second section consists of the description of products and services and unique selling point. In the third section, detailed market analysis has been performed. Fourth section is based on the market plan that discuss the tactics to get the product and services to customers and to attract customers. The Fifth section is based on financial implications. Businesses can take place in the market through making alliances, joint ventures, and partnerships (Trost, 2013; Miller and Cross, 2013). Marvelous Hair Salon is a small start-up business that will be initiated by making partnership. Salon will provide all hair related treatments, and the focus of business would be particularly on hair related treatments from cutting and styling to hair transplantation. A good vision statement is written as a future state and mission statement is a guide to company (Shattock 2010; Castleberry 2010; Knapp, 2013) Provide memorable and unique experience for the mission to be constant provider of fresh ideas and styles through keeping up the salon’s partners (employees) with current trends and educating them best practices; all is to exceed the expectations by maintain the highest standards

Monday, September 23, 2019

No Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

No - Essay Example In discussing Tiffany in the context of the forces considered in performing and environmental scan, it has been evident that the last couple of years, politics and economics have continued to play a critical role in driving different companies in the jewelry industry so as to stay competitive. The issue of blood diamonds continue to elicit mixed reactions. The current economic conditions has made the jewelry industry face a downturn especially in occasions like the Valentine’s Day and Christmas. The risks that Tiffany needs to consider in conducting its operations include the abundance of counterfeit goods which is adversely affecting the sales of the branded accessories for Tiffany. This is further worsened by the increasing internet retailing which continues to make Tiffany’s efforts in fighting counterfeit goods more challenging and consequently makes the company to lose its brand equity hence a threat because of increases customer dissatisfaction due to the detrimental image of the company. Another threat continues to be the slowdown in the US economy which continues to depress the purchasing power of the retail customers hence having a counter effect on the growth of revenue and the margins of the company. The fact that this does not augur well for retail chains like Tiffany makes it threat that needs serious consideration. To establish whether TIF can take on more debt, we computed the company’s debt ratio or capital gearing ratio which measures the proportion of debt finance capital employed by the company. The debt ratio of Tiffany is 43.41% hence the company’s financial position as regards to debts is healthy as it is less geared. The debt equity ratio provides a measure of the proportion of non-owner supplied funds to owner’s contribution. Tiffany’s debt equity ratio is 59.25% meaning that the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Does God Have a Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Does God Have a Future - Essay Example Because by definition this is impossible many philosophers have relegated God to the dead letter box. But God is simply the belief that we each hold that defines the difference between right and wrong, and good and evil. It doesn't necessarily take a 'man in the sky' viewpoint to hold a belief in God or religion. Science changes its explanations and theories with time and so does God. This is not a dead God; it is a living and growing God. Armstrong contends that a "committed atheism can be more religious than a weary or inadequate theism". She points out that any explanation for God is either absurd or tyrannical. However, she uses the most extreme and lame versions of religion to cast her judgments. The living and evolving God is not left behind as a worn out concept, unable to keep up with science and technology. In fact, this is exactly why people are returning to God. We face challenges in our modern world that can't be confronted simply on logical or scientific terms. The decisions that we make need to resonate with the belief that there is a lasting good to come from them. This comes by being rooted in the 'passionate theism' that guides us. God may be a new and improved version of the previous over-ruling tormentor and keeper of the gates of hell.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Eiffel Tower Essay Example for Free

The Eiffel Tower Essay I have always dreamed of going to Paris, France and see Eiffel Tower one day. Travel guides have always described the Eiffel Tower as magical.   I had decided to ask Steve, my tall, skinny and long-haired best friend to join me in France and visit the Eiffel Tower. Steve had asked me if I knew how to speak French and I told him I do not. Steve had asked me to bring along a French dictionary just in case we needed to know some French words. When we arrived at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, the weather was cloudy and the temperature humid. At a distance, the Eiffel Tower can be seen. At first glance, Steve and I fell in love with it because it is the most beautiful thing that we had ever seen. We grew excited as we near the Eiffel Tower and arrived at our hotel, Hotel de la Paix. The hotel is a 20 to 25 minute walk going to Eiffel Tower. When we had reached our hotel, it had become a little rainy and it was already two o’ clock in the afternoon. There are many people walking down the streets and people going to the Eiffel Tower to visit. From our hotel room, you can see a good view of the Eiffel Tower. Since it was a little bit rainy, Steve and I decided to rest first before going.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since that was my first time in Paris, I was not aware that the weather in Paris was very unpredictable. . Steve and I went to the Eiffel Tower at around four in the afternoon and the rain had already stopped. We strolled for a few minutes passing by beautiful buildings and houses with different kinds of architectural designs and details. Because of the beautiful surroundings around us we did not take notice of the weather. The unpredictable weather started to change and when we had reached the tower it began to rain again. Even though it was raining it was still amazing to look at the Eiffel Tower up close. At close range, I began to wonder whether I am dreaming or am I really seeing the Eiffel Tower because the structure is so huge and beautiful that I cannot take my eyes off it. At the ground floor level, souvenir shops can be seen anywhere, there are also snack bars for the hungry. The monument of Gustave Eiffel the creator of the Eiffel tower can be seen in front of the Eiffel Tower. The tower had provided us shield from the rain. Being there in person takes a lot of patience and perseverance. Steve and I waited for more than thirty minutes just to be able to enter the tower because the line was so long.   That did not stop there; we were again asked to wait for the elevator to go down so that we would be able to travel up. It took us another 30 minutes to wait for it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first floor of the tower is like a museum of some sorts. There is a gallery of work exhibits. There were pictures of the tower and the different historic milestones the features the Eiffel Tower and its creator. Exciting scientific gadgets can also be seen in the first floor of the tower. There is a transparent circular thing which they call the Feroscope. Inside, there are interactive videos and different patterns of light shown in it. Featured in the videos are how the monument of Gustave Eiffel was made and how the tower is maintained properly. Looking at the displays makes me want to see more of the tower because of the interesting facts and stories related to it and how the French people had maintained the tower which on my opinion is really hard to do. Steve who was not interested at first on the historical part, and maintenance of the tower had become quite amazed on how the French had presented the Eiffel Tower and we were still not yet finished on our tour. A large observatory can also be seen in the floor which looks high-tech. The observatory has a video that shows how the tower was constructed. Steve and I walked around the perimeter of the first floor and there are different views of France. There are markers on the ledges and each shows the landmark of the view that can be seen below. As we walked, Steve and I decided to eat at Les Buffet De la Tour Eiffel. As I have stated earlier, both of us do not know how to speak French so when we read the menu all we can understand from it is pizza. It was quite funny because we were really looking forward to taste the specialty of France. However, since pizza is the only word we know then that is what we have ordered. It would be a waste of money if we do not like what we had guessed is delicious in the menu. After eating we decided to stop by the souvenir shop and bought some souvenirs to take home. Then we went to the second floor using the steps because we would not like to wait again for the elevator.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When we had arrived at the second floor, we found a very interesting window scene animation. The display shows the history of the construction and explains the operation of the hydraulic elevator which was used before from the year it was constructed until the year 1983. It also includes the elevators that are used now. It was really amazing for new-comers in Paris to discover how the people had discovered an elevator that uses water as a power source. There is also a see through glass in the second floor where you can take a look at the view below. A view of the first floor and the ground floor can be seen in there. Restaurants, snack bars and internet stations are available in this part. In this part of the tower, Steve and I decided to explore it more and from there a panoramic view of the buildings below can be seen and you can also go around it and see all views without a metal bar or a room blocking your view. During the time that we went here it was already sunset and the view was just spectacular. It’s like seeing another part of the world in a different place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After taking a look at the view, we decided to go to the top floor. We had to wait for the elevator again in order to go to the top floor of the tower. It was worth the wait because when we had reached the top floor, you can see a representation of the creator’s office and a wax representation of Gustave, his daughter and the famous Thomas Edison. We were shocked at first because we thought they were true persons and then we noticed that they were not moving. We had asked about it that is when we knew who the characters was in the room. Another part of the top floor is the Engineer’s office where there are wax characters again of Gustave and his engineers. It was really amazing. You would wonder how the creators of the wax characters had created this. In this part, you can also see a 360 view of the tower. Indicated in the screens are the great cities in the world. The direction and the distance of the cities in the database can be seen in the screens provided for tourists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was already dark when we got down because we had to wait again for the elevator. Steve and I really enjoyed the visit and when we got down, another view had bedazzled us. It was the Eiffel Tower at night. You can see it lit up like a Christmas tree and it is really an amazing sight. The crowd of people walking are looking up at it as they walked and one cannot blame them for doing so because Eiffel Tower has its own magic. We stood there for almost an hour just looking at it and then we decided to go back to our hotel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Visiting Paris, France would always be etched in my memory because of the spectacular sights and presentation of the tower. Several facts are also interesting in the construction and maintenance of the tower. One would not be bored about the stories that the Eiffel tower has because these stories are unique and different. Steve and I really enjoyed going there and even if he is not inclined in visiting places like the Eiffel Tower, he had asked me to tell him if I am again going back to the  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   magical place. He is looking forward to our next visit to the tower and next time he would be able to speak French and talk to the people around us, the tour guide and even identify the menu a French restaurant is offering.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Evidence of Bad Character Case Study

Evidence of Bad Character Case Study 1.That Z had sex with T D H The evidence that Z had sex with T D H can be admitted with the agreement of all the parties[1]. However it is unlikely that Z would agree that this evidence could be admitted therefore that X would have to rely on one of the other provisions of section 100 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 in order to admit the evidence. Section 100 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 stipulates, â€Å"Evidence of the bad character of a person other than the defendant is admissible if and only if: It is important explanatory evidence, It has substantial probative value in relation to a matter which – is a matter in issue in the proceedings, and is of substantial importance in the context of the case as a whole, or all parties to the proceedings agree to the evidence being admissible Therefore it is likely that Z will try and admit this evidence under s100(1)(b) arguing that it has substantial probative value in relation to a matter that is either a matter in issue in the proceedings or that is of substantial importance in the context of the case as a whole. In order to determine whether or not the evidence has substantial probative value case law prior to the enactment of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 should be considered where it was considered that such evidence could be admitted if it was â€Å"striking similarity[2]†and of â€Å"sufficient probative force to overcome prejudice.[3]† It is likely that this evidence will be admitted. 2.That Z was convicted of wasting police time The evidence that Z had been convicted of wasting police time could again be admitted if both parties agree to the evidence being admitted. However it is unlikely that Z would agree that this evidence can be admitted therefore that X would have to rely on one of the other provisions of section 100 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 in order to admit the evidence. Section 100 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 stipulates that â€Å"evidence of the bad character of a person other than the defendant is admissible if and only if: It is important explanatory evidence, It has substantial probative value in relation to a matter which – is a matter in issue in the proceedings, and is of substantial importance in the context of the case as a whole, or all parties to the proceedings agree to the evidence being admissible Therefore it is likely that Z will try and admit this evidence under s100(1)(b) arguing that it has substantial probative value in relation to a matter that is either a matter in issue in the proceedings or that is of substantial importance in the context of the case as a whole. In order to determine whether or not the evidence has substantial probative value case law prior to the enactment of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 should be considered, as above and in consideration of that evidence it is unlikely that the evidence will be admitted. This does not appear to be of substantial importance and it is likely that the jury could reach the right conclusion without hearing this evidence. 3.That W is a lesbian who is prejudiced against men The evidence that W is a lesbian who is prejudiced against men can be admitted with the agreement of all the parties[4]. However it is unlikely that W would agree that this evidence could be admitted therefore that X would have to rely on one of the other provisions of section 100 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 in order to admit the evidence. Section 100 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 stipulates, â€Å"evidence of the bad character of a person other than the defendant is admissible if and only if: It is important explanatory evidence, It has substantial probative value in relation to a matter which – is a matter in issue in the proceedings, and is of substantial importance in the context of the case as a whole, or all parties to the proceedings agree to the evidence being admissible Therefore it is likely that Z will try and admit this evidence under s100(1)(b) arguing that it has substantial probative value in relation to a matter that is either a matter in issue in the proceedings or that is of substantial importance in the context of the case as a whole. On this basis it is unlikely that this evidence will be admitted. 4.Psychiatric evidence in respect of Y The evidence that Y is suffering from Potipahr’s Wife Syndrome can be admitted by agreement by the parties. [5] However it is unlikely that Y would agree that this evidence could be admitted therefore that X would have to rely on one of the other provisions of section 100 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 in order to admit the evidence. Section 100 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 stipulates that â€Å"evidence of the bad character of a person other than the defendant is admissible if and only if: It is important explanatory evidence, It has substantial probative value in relation to a matter which – is a matter in issue in the proceedings, and is of substantial importance in the context of the case as a whole, or all parties to the proceedings agree to the evidence being admissible X will need to argue that the evidence is important explanatory evidence. Evidence is â€Å"important explanatory evidence† for these purposes if â€Å"(a) without it, the court or jury would find it impossible or difficult properly to understand other evidence in the case, and (b) its value for understanding the case as a whole is substantial[6]. Except in relation to evidence of conduct, which is alleged to be similar to matters in dispute at the trial, evidence of witness’s bad character may not be adduced without the leave of the court[7]. Section 100(3) identifies certain factors to be taken into account by the trial judge, alongside any others considered relevant, in exercising his discretion to grant leave to allow bad character evidence to be given. Such factors include the number of relevant incidents, the lapse of time, and other common sense considerations relating to similarities between past and present conduct and questions of contested identity. Therefor e such evidence will only be admitted if it bears substantial probative value, and the court grants leave. It would therefore be concluded that in this instance that the evidence would be admitted. 5.Previous evidence of V Assuming as discussed above that the X is not successful in admitting any of the evidence (as if he is this will mean that the evidence of his bad character and previous convictions will automatically be admitted) the Criminal Justice Act 2003 contains a dedicated scheme of rules to regulate the admissibility of evidence of the accused’s extraneous misconduct in s101 (1). These rules are different from those rules that exist for the admittance of other witness’s previous character. In criminal proceedings evidence of the defendant’s bad character is admissible if, but only if – all parties to the proceedings agree to the evidence being admissible, the evidence is adduced by the defendant himself or is given in answer to a question asked by him in cross-examination and intended to elicit it, It is important explanatory evidence, It is relevant to an important matter in issue between the defendant and the prosecution It has substantial probative value in relation to an important matter in issue between the defendant and a co-defendant, It is evidence to correct a false impression given by the defendant, of The defendant has made an attack on another person’s character Therefore this evidence can be admitted by agreement by the parties however this is unlikely. Therefore it is likely that the prosecution will attempt to admit the evidence under sections c and d and this are provisions, which are concerned with similar fact evidence. One significant dimension of the â€Å"similar facts† cases concerned the dangers posed by deliberate collusion between witnesses or innocent cross-contamination of their evidence. In determining the admissibility of evidence of the accused’s misconduct in the first instance, however, section 109 obliges the court to treat the evidence as true, unless â€Å"it appears, on the basis of any material before the court (including any evidence it decides to hear on the matter), that no court or jury could reasonably find it to be true[8]. Therefore given the similarities between the previous incident and the current one it is likely that this information will be allowed to be admitted into the current proceedings. The reason for this is that the evidence can either be considered to be important explanatory evidence or alternatively that it is relevant to an important matter in issue between the defendant and the prosecution 6.X’s previous conviction of Exposure The CJA 2003 contains a dedicated scheme of rules to regulate the admissibility of evidence of the accused’s extraneous misconduct in s101(1): In criminal proceedings evidence of the defendant’s bad character is admissible if, but only if – all parties to the proceedings agree to the evidence being admissible, the evidence is adduced by the defendant himself or is given in answer to a question asked by him in cross-examination and intended to elicit it, It is important explanatory evidence, It is relevant to an important matter in issue between the defendant and the prosecution It has substantial probative value in relation to an important matter in issue between the defendant and a co-defendant, It is evidence to correct a false impression given by the defendant, of The defendant has made an attack on another person’s character Therefore this evidence can be admitted by agreement by the parties however this is unlikely. Therefore it is likely that the prosecution will attempt to admit the evidence under sections c and d and this are provisions, which are concerned with similar fact evidence. One significant dimension of the â€Å"similar facts† cases concerned the dangers posed by deliberate collusion between witnesses or innocent cross-contamination of their evidence. In determining the admissibility of evidence of the accused’s misconduct in the first instance, however, section 109 obliges the court to treat the evidence as true, unless â€Å"it appears, on the basis of any material before the court (including any evidence it decides to hear on the matter), that no court or jury could reasonably find it to be true[9]. Section 107 where evidence of the accused’s bad character has been admitted into the trial without the accused’s agreement, under section 101(1) paragraphs (c)-(g), and the court is satisfied at any time after the close of the prosecution’s case that (i) that evidence is contaminated such that (ii) a conviction would be unsafe, â€Å"the court must either direct the jury to acquit the defendant of this offence or, if it considers that there ought to be a retrial, discharge the jury†. Either way, proceedings will not be allowed to continue if it emerges during the course of the trial that material evidence of bad character has been contaminated. A previous conviction can be admitted as evidence of propensity if it falls into either: (i) one of the categories of offences; or (ii) the statement of the offence in a written charge or indictment would be the same. Thus, a person who has been convicted of actual bodily harm and is now charged with actual bodily harm will fall into the second category (same description)-but a person who has been convicted of theft and is now charged with burglary would not. However, the Home Office will introduce two sets of categories of offences-the first broadly comprising all Theft Act offences, the second comprising sexual offences involving sexual contact with children. Therefore given the similarities between the previous incident and the current one it is likely that this information will be allowed to be admitted into the current proceedings. The reason for this is that the evidence can either be considered to be important explanatory evidence or alternatively that it is relevant to an important matter in issue between the defendant and the prosecution 7.Directing the Jury Because of the statutory grounding of the criminal evidence rules the rules on directing the jury, in relation to similar fact evidence and evidence of bad character have altered somewhat. The provisions that we are concerned with here are contained within Section 107 where evidence of the accused’s bad character has been admitted into the trial without the accused’s agreement, under section 101(1) paragraphs (c)-(g), and the court is satisfied at any time after the close of the prosecution’s case that (i) that evidence is contaminated such that (ii) a conviction would be unsafe, â€Å"the court must either direct the jury to acquit the defendant of this offence or, if it considers that there ought to be a retrial, discharge the jury†. Either way, proceedings will not be allowed to continue if it emerges during the course of the trial that material evidence of bad character has been contaminated. Finally, there is a power for the court to discharge the jury and either direct an acquittal or order a retrial if a judge, having admitted evidence of bad character, later decides that such evidence was contaminated. Contamination is defined in terms of evidence that is false or misleading in any respect, as a result of the witness who gave the evidence either having agreed to give false evidence, or being affected by hearing other evidence in the case. It seems these provisions are aimed particularly at allegations of multiple sexual abuse where other allegations are, on occasion, felt to be the consequence of collaboration by different witnesses. In such cases it would be open to the judge to cure the problem by direction to the jury, but where it is felt that direction is inadequate and any subsequent conviction would be unsafe, the judge is empowered to discharge the jury. In conclusion therefore if the judge is satisfied with the evidence and there is no evidence of contamination or collusion then this evidence of the defendant’s previous bad character will be admitted. Bibliography Legislation Criminal Justice Act 2003 Books Dennis I, (2002) â€Å"The Law of Evidence†, Sweet and Maxwell Huxley P O’Connell M, (2004) â€Å"Statutes on Evidence†, Oxford University Press McEwan J, (1998) â€Å"Evidence and the Adversarial Process, Hart Publishing Tapper C, (2003) â€Å"Cross and Tapper on Evidence, Oxford University Press Zuckermann A Roberts P, (2004) â€Å"Criminal Evidence, Oxford University Press 1 Footnotes [1] S100 (1) (C) [2] DPP v Boardman 1975] AC 421 HL [3] DPP v P [1991] 2 AC 447 at 460 [4] S100 (1) (C) [5] S100 (1) (C) [6] S100(2) [7] S100(4) [8] S 109 (2) [9] S 109 (2)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Gandhi Was One of the Greatest Men to Ever Live Essay -- Indian, Revol

I am going to try to answer an interesting question as to who is the greatest man in the world today. In seeking an answer to this inquiry, I predict that people would first instinctively go back to the days of the great wars in history, and go over the names of the men who held positions of vast responsibility and power in that astonishing conflicts, people who succeed in front of their task and, thus, were considered heroes. However, I turn away from the storm of wars, and from the men who rode that storm to power and place; and I look further for that man who impresses me as the greatest man who lived in the world. A man, who people can surely call the greatest, should be a universal man — a man who combines in perfect balance the supreme qualities of an idealist and a realist, a dreamer and a doer. The man who satisfies those qualities, I believe is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Indian leader, of the great revolutionary movement against British rule in India. He is better known as Mahatma, called by his own countrymen first, meaning â€Å"the Saint†. Gandhi was born on second October, 1869 in India, of a rich, clever and cultivated family. He was reared as the sons of such families are always reared, possessed of everything that money could buy (Gandhi: A Biography). On September 29, 1888 he went to England to study law at University College London. He took his degree in regular course, returned to India, but failed to become a successful lawyer in Bombay and Rajkot. At the same time, he already found that religion was coming to have a dominant place within his life. Even before his journey to England, he had taken the vow to abstain from wine, flesh, and sexual intercourse, and on his return to India, his asceticism in... ...crowds of people were gathering in order to hear his words. He seems to be was a person whom the Indians saw in him, perfect and universal man. He had a simple, altruistically and uncorrupted personality. In his political duties he was a firm realist, consistently working towards a goal of liberation; while on the other hand, he was an idealist, living ever in the pure happiness of the spirit. Works Cited "Gandhi: A Biography." Kamat's Potpourri. 4 Jan. 2011. Navajivan Trust. 13 Feb. 2011. . Holmes, John Haynes. "Mahatma Gandhi: an American Portrait." Harvard Square Library. 2006. Harvard University. 12 Feb. 2011. . Moncur, Michael. "Mahatma Ghandi Quotations." The Quotations Page. 1994. 12 Feb. 2011. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children Essay -- ADHD Dis

Introduction:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most people have heard of the term Attention Deficit Hyperactive (ADHD) disorder. â€Å"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that interferes with an individual’s ability to attend to tasks (inattention), inhibits one’s behavior (impulsivity), and may interfere with a person’s ability to regulate one’s activity level (hyper-activity) in developmentally appropriate ways (Barkley 19)†. The most important job for teachers and parents is to separate fact from fiction, to clarify what we know and don’t know.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Properly diagnosing ADHD, medication choices, and behavioral interventions are the key focal point. Is medication truly worth the side effects? Diagnosing ADHD   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the name implies, ADHD is typically characterized by two distinct sets of symptoms: inattention and hyperactivity / impulsivity. Although these problems usually occur together, one may be present without the other and still qualify for an ADHD diagnosis. Children are diagnosed with ADHD when they have met specific guidelines within these two categories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A number of parents observe signs of inattentiveness, restlessness, and impulsivity in their child even before their child starts school. The child might lose attention while playing a game or watching TV, or the child might dash about totally unrestrained. Since children mature at different levels and vary in character, nature, and energy levels, it is critical to obtain a specialist’s diagnosis of whether the behavior is suitable for the child's age, the child has ADHD or the child is simply immature or uncommonly high-spirited.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To qualify as having ADHD, the symptoms must significantly affect a child's ability to function at home and at school. A diagnosis is based on the guidelines provided in the â€Å"American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) published in 1994 (Barkley 133)†. In general, children are diagnosed with ADHD if they show at least six symptoms from each category. Dr. Berkley lists the following symptoms for each category:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Inattention: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often fails to pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often has trouble sustaining attention during tasks or play †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often doesn't seem to listen when spoken ... ...counseling the child and the family and facilitating them in the development of new skills, attitudes, and ways of relating to each other. The important step is proper diagnosis of ADHD. It is imperative to know about any medication being prescribed for each individual child. Work Cited Page: American Academy of Physicians â€Å"ADHD: What Parents Should Know.† Family Doctor, 10 April, 2005 Barkley, Russel A. Taking Charge of ADHD: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents. New York: The Gilford Press, 2000. Eli Lilly and Company â€Å"Strattera.† Strattera 10 April, 2005 McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals, a Division of McNeil-PPC, Inc â€Å"Prescription Medication Overview† Focus on ADHD. 14 April, 2005 Rabnier, David. â€Å"Behavioral Treatment for ADHD: An Overview.† Health. 14 April, 2005 Wilens, Timothy E. Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids New York: The Guilford Press, 1999. Wilens T.C. et all. Does stimulant therapy of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder beget later substance abuse? A meta-analytic review of the literature. Pediatrics, (2003) 111:1:179-185.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Defining the Humanities

Defining the Humanities Defining the Humanities The purpose of this paper is to differentiate the humanities from other modes of human inquiry and expression. I will define the humanities of a cultural event of music and how music was an expression of what I know about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture from the 60s. I will also discuss how the music of the 60s compares with other forms I know about from the same period.One of the definitions of humanities, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is â€Å"Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts. † Culture is a big part of humanities. Culture, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought. These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, c lass, community, or population (American heritage dictionary, 2000).Music is an artistic form of sound communication via musical instruments and voice that produce sounds and tones. Music is as old as mankind and cultures past and present have music. The â€Å"oldest known song† dates back 4,000 years ago and was written in ancient cuneiform. Cuneiform is a character or characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements and used in ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian writing (American heritage dictionary, 2000).The certainty of how or when the first musical instrument was invented, however, most historians point to early flutes made from animal bones that are at least 37,000 years old (Bellis, 2010). The music of the 60’s in America is the humanities or culture of the American people of that era. Many changes going on in the 60s including revolutionary changes, extraordinary levels of sexual freedom among youths, and revolting teenagers like no one has ever seen before. Music has consistently been influenced by the trends of its time; reflecting the politics, economics, and lifestyles that exist.The Baby Boomer generation lived during a time when war had a powerful impact on everyone's life. Drugs became, perhaps, one of the most influential variables apparent in the music of the 60s. In the early 1960s a band named the Byrd’s and guys like Dylan changed the way many people looked at music. These bands started an underground wave that flowed throughout the 60s, this became known as the â€Å"Psychedelic Era. † This era introduced drugs to be an important aspect involved in the creation of the music, and was used by the listeners to enhance their experience.Bands such as the Byrd’s and Grateful Dead started experimenting with such drugs as LSD, marijuana, and acid. They believed that drugs could help them create music that would blow the music of the fifties away, and it did (â€Å"T he music of the sixties–the psychedelic eraâ€Å", 1998). The music of the 60s came in many styles. Some of the genres of the era are: Soft rock, (also referred to as mellow rock, light rock, or easy rock) is a style of music that uses the techniques of rock and roll (often combined with elements from folk rock and singer-songwriter pop) to compose a softer, more toned-down sound for listening.Soft rock songs generally tend to focus on themes like love, everyday life, and relationships (â€Å"Soft rockâ€Å", 2010). Hard rock – modify rock and roll (blues, country, and gospel), adding to the standard genre harder sounds, heavier guitar riffs (A short rhythmic phrase), bombastic (long winded) drumming and louder vocals (â€Å"Hard rockâ€Å", 2010). Country rock – formed from the fusion of rock with country (â€Å"Country rockâ€Å", 2010). Folk rock – combining elements of folk music and rock music (â€Å"Folk rockâ€Å", 2010).Punk rock – They created fast, hard-edged music, typically with short songs, stripped-down instrumentation, and often political, anti-establishment lyrics (â€Å"Punk rockâ€Å", 2010). Shock rock – is a wide umbrella term for artists who combine rock music with elements of theatrical shock value in live performances (â€Å"Shock rockâ€Å", 2010). Rhythm and Blues (R;B), Soul, Funk Influenced by R;B (â€Å"Rhythm and bluesâ€Å", 2010). Many artists’ musical roots come from gospel. For example, Elvis Presley started out singing gospel when he was only a few years old later moving onto Rock and Roll (Nite, 1974, p. 95). The art in America of the 60s was influenced by the desire to move into the modern age or future that the space age seemed to forecast. As with the music of the 60s, drugs had an influence on some of the art of the 60s. This art came to be known as psychedelic art (ex. Brummbaer). Major works by Alexander Calder (mobiles and sculpture) or Helen Frankenthaler (non-representational art) showed a desire to escape from details to interpret. Artists wanted to inspire the viewer to leap into the unknown and experience art in their own way.A new artist who appeared was Andy Warhol, a leading name in pop art. Other forms evolving during this time were assemblage art, op art (or optical art) (ex. Vasarely), or kinetic abstraction (ex. Marcel Duchamp), environmental art (ex. Robert Smithson), and pop art, (ex. David Hockney) (Goodwin, 2009). In conclusion, humanities or cultures have been around since the beginning of mankind. Cultures can be estranged in their beliefs hence the creation of new cultures. Music, dance, theater, art, literature, or other cultures can change over time trough many influential channels.For example, the way the war and drugs influence the cultures of the 60s with the songs of war protests and psychedelic art. When changes come about the changes will usually have an effect on the, music, dance, theater, art, literature , or other cultures of the era. The one thing mankind can count on through the years, decades, centuries, and millennium is change.References American heritage dictionary. (4th ed. ). (2000). Chicago, IL: Houghton Mifflin Company. Bellis, M. (2010). Inventing musical instruments. Retrieved from http://inventors. bout. com/od/mstartinventions/tp/musicalinstrument. htm Country rock. (2010). In Country rock. Retrieved May 5, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Country_rock Folk rock. (2010). In Folk rock. Retrieved May 5, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Folk_rock Goodwin, S. (2009). American cultural history 1960 – 1969. Retrieved from http://kclibrary. lonestar. edu/decade60. html Hard rock. (2010). In Hard rock. Retrieved May 5, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Hard_rock Nite, N. N. (1974). Rock on. New York, NY: Thomas Y. Crowell. Punk rock. (2010). In Punk rock. Retrieved May 5, 2010, from Rhythm and blues. (2010). In Rhythm and blues. Retrieved May 5, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rhythm_and_blues Shock rock. (2010). In Shock rock. Retrieved May 5, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Shock_rock Soft rock. (2010). In Soft rock. Retrieved May 5, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Soft_rock The music of the sixties–the psychedelic era. (1998). Retrieved from http://library. thinkquest. org/21342/text/1960. htm

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fms 100 Midterm Review

FMS 100 Midterm Review You should be familiar with the plots of all the films we watched in class. You should also be familiar with the main ideas from The Cutting Edge documentary. Moreover, anything discussed in class in the lectures could be on exam. You will have to answer 50 multiple choice items. Review Chapter 1: Looking at Movies Cinematic Language: The accepted systems, methods, or customs by which movies communicate. Cinematic conventions are flexible; they are not â€Å"rules†.Difference between movie, film, cinema: Film is applied to a motion picture that is considered by critics and scholars to be more serious or challenging. Movies entertain the masses at the multiplex. Cinemas are considered to be works of art Shot: One uninterrupted run of the camera. Editing: The process by which the editor combines and coordinates individual shots into a cinematic whole; the basic creative force of cinema. Cut: A direct change from one shot to another. Close-up: A shot that o ften shows a part of the body filling the frame—traditionally a face, but possibly a hand, eye, or mouth.Define: Fadeout/fade in, when is it used? Transitional devices in which a shot fades in from a black field on black-and-white film or from a color field on color film, or fades out to a black field. These are used to convey a passage of time between scenes. Define: Low-angle shot, when is it used? A shot that is made with the camera below the action and that typically places the observer in a position of inferiority. Why is cutting on action important? Cutting on action is important because it hides the instantaneous and potentially jarring shift from one camera viewpoint to another.What is cultural invisibility? Is it always calculated? Cultural Invisibility is used by a filmmaker to make the movie more appealing by implying certain shared beliefs with the viewers without them knowing. What is the difference between implicit and explicit meaning? Implicit meaning: An infe rence that a viewer makes on the basis of the given (explicit) meaning conveyed by the story and form of a film. Explicit meaning: Everything that a movie presents on its surface. How do viewer expectations relate to viewership of a film? What is formal analysis?Define: theme (motif), dollies in, duration, point of view What type of â€Å"alternative approaches† to formal analysis does the book highlight? Comparative cultural analysis. Chapter 2: Principles of Film Form What are elements that make up film form? Mise-en-scene, sound, narrative, editing, shots, sequences and scenes. What is the difference between form and content? Form: the means by which that subject is expressed and experienced. Content: the subject of an artwork. How do expectations play into film form? What is a MacGuffin?Which director came up with the term? MacGuffin: refers to an object, document, or secret within a story that is of vital importance to the characters. Alfred Hitchcock came up with the te rm What are patterns? Why are important? How is editing used to create patterns? Three fundamental principles of film form? Movies depend on light, movies provide an illusion of movement, and movies manipulate space and time in unique ways Persistence of vision: The process by which the human brain retains an image for a fraction of a second longer than the eye records it.Phi phenomenon: the illusion of movement created by events that succeed each other rapidly, as when two adjacent lights flash on and off alternately and we seem to see a single light shifting back and forth. Critical flicker fusion: Occurs when a single light flickers on and off with such speed that the individual pulses of light fuse together to give the illusion of continuous light. Mediation: The process by which an agent, structure, or other formal element, whether human or technological, transfers something from one place to another.Freeze frame: When a still image is shown on-screen for a period of time Reali sm: An interest in or concern for the actual or real. Anti-Realism: an interest in or concern for the abstract, speculative, or fantastic. Verisimilitude: A convincing appearance of truth. Chapter 3: Types of Movies What is narrative? Narrative is a story, narrative is a type of movie, narrative is a way of structuring fictional or fictionalized stories presented in narrative films, narrative is a broader concept that both includes and goes beyond any of these applications.Types of Movies: Narrative Movies (tell stories), Documentary Movies (record the real), Experimental Movies Documentary Movies: Key types – factual films (present people, places, or processes in straightforward ways meant to entertain and instruct without influencing audiences), instructional films (educate viewers about common interests, rather than persuading them to accept particular ideas), persuasive films (addresses social injustices), propaganda films (systematically disseminate deceptive or distorte d information), direct cinema (eschew interviews and even limit the use of narrators).Experimental films – what are they? What are some of their common qualities? What are Hybrid Movies? The cross-pollination among experimental, documentary, and narrative movies. An example of this is Borat, which is a documentary/narrative fusion. What is definition of genre? The categorization of narrative films by the stories they tell and the ways they tell them. How are films categorized? They are characterized by the form and content. What are genre conventions? Aspects of storytelling such as recurring themes and situations, setting, character types, and story formula, as well as aspects of presentation and visual style.Story formulas (the way a movie’s story is structured—its plot), character types, setting (where a movie’s action is located and how that environment is portrayed), presentation, stars Six Major American Genres: Gangster (striving for the American d ream), Film Noir (classic detective movie), Science Fiction, Horror (frightening), The Western, The Musical Evolution and transformation of genre: Writers and directors, recognizing genre’s narrative, thematic, and aesthetic potential, blend ingredients gleaned from multiple styles in an attempt to invent exciting new hybrids.What is generic transformation? The process by which a particular genre is adapted to meet the expectations of a changing society. Can you identify how a genre has transformed over time? Comic-book movies have grown darker and more effects-laden since the modern genre’s birth. Mixed genre: Blending seemingly incompatible genres. Chapter 4: Elements of Narrative What is narrative? The Story What is narration? The act of telling the story What is narrator? Who or what tells the story Who/what is the primary narrator in all films? The camera is the primary narrator in every movie.First person narrator: A character in the narrative who typically impar ts information in the form of voice-over narration. Voice over narration: When we hear a character’s voice over the picture without actually seeing the character speak the words. Direct-address: A form of narration in which an on-screen character looks and speaks directly to the audience. Third-person narrator: Narration delivered by a narrator who is not a character in the movie. Omniscient narration: provides any character’s experiences and perceptions, as well as information that no character knows.Restricted narration: Limits the information it provides the audience to things known only to a single character. What two essential elements does virtually every film narrative depend on? A character pursuing a goal. Round Character: A complex character possessing numerous, subtle, repressed, or contradictory traits. Flat Character: Exhibit few distinct traits and do not change significantly Protagonists, anti-heroes, antagonists Three Act Structure What is the normal wo rld? Narrative Structure Schematic: Can you identify the elements within the three acts?What are the purposes of the three acts? What does a screenwriter do? Do you understand the differences and similarities between story and plot? (Use Fig. 4. 2 to help you) Diegesis/diegetic elements versus non diegetic elements – Can you identify examples? Backstory Story order versus plot order. Which one of these can be manipulated? Why? Two categories of Events Duration: Story duration, plot duration, screen duration; do you know the difference between these? Relationship between plot duration and story duration – is it stable or unstable? Why?Relationship between screen duration and plot duration: Summary relationship vs. real time vs. stretch relationship What is Cinematic time? Suspense versus Surprise – define the difference, example? Define: Repetition, familiar image – why are they used? Define: Setting, scope Chapter 8: Editing Define: Editing, what is it? W hy is it important? Cutting and Splicing definition – manual process vs. digital process Lev Kuleshov and the Kuleshov effect – what is it? Who is he? Why is it important? What is job description and goals of the Film Editor?What are the editor’s responsibilities? 3 items, do you understand what these mean? Define: flashback, flash-forward – when are they used? Define: Ellipsis – Why is it used? Define: montage – why is it used? Why is rhythm important? Define: content curve Define: Continuity and Discontinuity editing – When are they used? Which is more common? Why? Why is continuity editing used? Master Scene Technique – Define coverage, master shot, why are these important for editing? Screen Direction – define screen direction, 180-degree system, axis of action Is 180 degree a rule or a convention?Is it ever broken? Define: Reverse-Angle Shot Continuity Editing Techniques: shot/reverse shot, match cuts, match-on-acti on cut, graphical match cut, eye-line match cut, parallel editing (crosscutting), intercutting, point-of-view editing Transitions between shots – Define jump cut, fade-in fade-out, dissolve, wipe, iris shot (iris in, iris out), freeze-frame, split screen, (make sure you understand why they are used) Chapter 5: Mise-en-Scene What is mise-en-scene in reference to movies? The two visual components of mise-en-scene. Design and Composition – define them.Understand why they are important to mise-en-scene. Is Mise-en-scene planned or unplanned? Why? What is the purpose of design? Who is the production designer? What does he or she do? Who is the art director? When was it common to have an â€Å"art director†? Why did it change? Describe the importance of previsualization done by the director and production designer Elements of Design – setting, decor, and properties; lighting; costume, makeup, hairstyle Define: setting, on location, decor, props (properties), an d soundstage In early Hollywood, did they prefer to shot on location or on a set?Why? What do production designers do with regard to lighting? Define: chiaroscuro Costumes – why are they important? Are they always accurate to the historical setting and period? Makeup – Why have stars have a contemporary look even during historical films? Who is Max Factor? Hairstyles and historical accuracy International Styles of Design – What is German Expressionism? What is the first great German Expressionist film? Which genres has it influenced?British Films, Italian Neorealism, Japanese Films – basic characteristics of design Define: Composition; why is it important? Define: figures, framing, reframing, moving frame, point of view Define: viewfinder Define: off-screen space and on-screen space; can you describe their relationship? Define: open and closed framing; when and why are they used? What is Kinesis? When do we perceive movement (2 ways) Define: figure Define : Blocking

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fast food †Harry Snyder Essay

Have you ever had a food that you could never forget? You still remember the perfect combination of taste and mouthwatering appearance as you took your first bite. For many, In-N-Out Burger’s famous burgers are unforgettable; â€Å"Known for its made-to-order hamburgers, fresh ingredients, and efficient service. † The simple beginning, tidy appearance, basic menu, and customer satisfaction each contribute to the popularity of this restaurant. One reason the restaurant is so well-known is because of its beginning. Founded in Baldwin Park, California in 1948 by Harry and Esther Snyder, In-N-Out Burger was. California’s first drive through restaurant. The couple had the idea of customers being able to drive up and order their food through a two-way speaker unit, which they ultimately accomplished. Many new proposals to open their business elsewhere then arose, and offers were being accepted at a rather rapid pace. The successful opening contributed to the quickly gained popularity. Another reason In-N-Out Burger is rather popular is a result of the notably clean appearance. As part of the promise of Harry and Esther Snyder, every venue has cleanliness worth remembering as there is a policy to maintain tidy quarters. Charlie Palmer states, â€Å"The places are incredibly clean. I’m impressed by that†. Even as a restaurant entrepreneur himself, Palmer took note of the pristine premises. Well-kept In-N-Out locations often contribute to the widespread popularity. Also, the simple menu of In-N-Out has remained the same from the very beginning, providing yet another reason for customers to come back. The basic burgers, fries, pop, and shakes displayed on the In-N-Out menu make it very easy to order from. There are three combos to choose from that each include a different burger with fries and a drink, or you can simply choose just one or two of the food choices. Without the complications of numerous added food items, people are able to quickly decide what they’d like to eat and drink. The straightforward menu contributes to the amount of incoming customers in the popular In-N-Out Burger chain. Their mission statement was simple, â€Å"Give customers the freshest, highest quality foods you can buy and provide them with friendly service in a sparkling clean environment. † They still use this philosophy in every running In-N-Out open today. Quality, freshness, and good service are the core ingredient to In-N-Out’s success. Harry and Esther’s two sons, Guy and Rich, learned the business from working in their parents store when they were young. When Harry Snyder passed away in 1976, there were 18 drive-through locations running. Rich Snyder, at age 24, took over as President. Guy Snyder helped him to establish what like a cafeteria at the Baldwin Park Headquarters. This new facility allowed In-N-Out to have total quality control over all In-N-Out ingredients including the secret sauce. They also started an In-N-Out â€Å"University†, where new managers are trained and the In-N-Out philosophies for Alyissa Balderama M/W 11:00. Professor Read success are consistently reinforced. While Rich was President, In-N-Out grew from those 18 locations in 1976 to 93 locations. Rich Snyder remained true to his parents’ goal of serving only the freshest foods available. None of the ingredients were frozen, and no microwaves were used. All orders were made to order, contributing to what some in the food industry considered a long wait for a fast-food hamburger. The milk shakes were made with real ice cream, and the burgers were 100 percent beef. The beef was ground and formed into patties by In-N-Out workers at the Baldwin Park facility. The lettuce was broken into leaves by hand, and the buns were baked fresh using old-fashioned sponge dough that took six to eight hours to rise. The potatoes for the French fries were shipped in burlap sacks to the outlets, where associates cut them by hand. In-N-Out has used southern California-grown Kennebec potatoes, which are said to be ideal for frying. The French fries have always been fried in cholesterol-free vegetable oil. Guy Snyder then took over and became Chairman of the Board and CEO in 1993. As Chairman, H. Guy Snyder, led In-N-Out into the future with continued expansion throughout California, Nevada and Arizona. Guy carried on the same tradition that was set in 1948 by his parents, stressing the same basic values that helped make In-N-Out so successful. While Guy was Chairman of the Board, In-N-Out grew from 93 locations to 140 at the time of his death in 1999. The atmosphere of enthusiasm for serving customers the freshest quality hamburgers and French fries can be seen all the way from the many store locations to the office Associates. Though times have changed, little has changed at In-N-Out. The menu-burgers, fries and drinks-is still the same basic menu customers have enjoyed since 1948. Everything is still made fresh to order. There are no microwaves or freezers. Customers may observe French fries being made from hand-diced, fresh, whole potatoes. And the shakes are made from real ice cream. There have been a few modifications in recent years. The original In-N-Out offered only drive-thru and walk up service. Most of the newer In-N-Out Burger locations provide indoor and outdoor seating. Aside from building improvements, though, In-N-Out has retained the basic traditions that have made it a favorite for 60 years. Lastly, customer satisfaction makes a huge difference for the better in the stature of In-N-Out. Consumers are often very dedicated and spread the word of their fast food favorite. Even chef reviews are completely positive according to Esquire’s chef survey. Alton Brown is reminded of his childhood when he drinks the shakes and Thomas Keller claims it’s an ideal illustration of classic American fast food. And although some who go for a burger find it as just average, their number is much outweighed by the majority of favorable feedback. Customer’s enjoyment in In-N-Out Burger surely helps with the positive standing amongst other fast food places. Alyissa Balderama M/W 11:00 Professor Read. Overall, In-N-Out Burger’s marketable beginning, clean restaurant appearance, simple menu, and customer satisfaction all help maintain a good reputation. Every location follows the Snyder’s promise to keep the restaurant as clean as possible and the never-changing menu has stayed as easy to order from as it was in the beginning. So the next time you’re in the area of an In-n-Out Burger, make sure to stop by and try something there. Alyissa Balderama M/W 11:00 Professor Read Works Cited â€Å"In-N-Out Burger. † In-N-Out Burger. N. p. , n. d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n. d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

Manifest Destiny Essay

The belief in Manifest Destiny, America’s right to expand westward, was popular among the Democratic Party, which paved the path for conflict in U.S. politics. In the 1840’s, Manifest Destiny was used as justification for the annexation of Texas, the war with Mexico, and to acquire portions of Oregon from the British. The debate over whether America really had a manifest destiny to expand all the way west or if it was used as an excuse to acquire more land led to debates in U.S. politics. Advocates of manifest destiny, mostly democratic, argued that the U.S., as a more advanced culture, had a God-given right to expand its borders. They believed the expansion would civilize the West and America’s democratic, cultural, and religious values would benefit the Native Americans. In addition, supporters would argue that the belief would strengthen the union, making it invulnerable. On the opposing side, consisting mostly of the Whig party, the God-given right to expand all the way westward at the price and rights of thousands of innocent natives was blasphemy. The Whig party was not manifest destinies only critic, abolitionist, fearful of slavery spreading, argued that the constitution did not give the country the right to gain new land and the country’s vital institutions would suffer as A merica was spread too thin. Look more:  essays on manifest destiny Texas’ sought to join America as a new state, after it gained independence from Mexico and had a revolution. The process of expansion in which newly democratic and free states would seek entry into the United States, rather than the U.S. extending its government over unwanting people was ideal. The Democratic Party was threatened to fall apart if Texas entered the Union, as it would become another slave state and this forced both Presidents Jackson and Van Buren to decline Texas’ plea. During the election of 1844, both Henry Clay of the Whig Party and Van Buren of the Democratic Party were against the annexation of Texas, this displeased the Democrats as they wanted to gain Texas so they dropped Van Buren in favor of James Polk, who was for adding Texas as another slave state. Polk cleverly tied Texas’ annexation into the Oregon dispute, the controversy over Oregon’s border. In 1846 the dispute was settled over the Oregon Treaty where the British relinquished its holding to the lower Colombia basin. This appeased expansionist in the north, who fought for Oregon and expansionist in the south, who focused primarily on Texas. After Polk’s election, he moved to occupy a free portion of Texas that was still claimed by Mexico. This sparked the Mexican-American War in 1846, were there were calls for â€Å"All Mexico†, mostly from Eastern Democrats, however Mexico’s annexation brought up much debate. If Mexico were to become a part of the United States it would mean millions of non-white Mexicans would become U.S. citizens, something Americans were not too keen on. The racist aspect of Manifest Destiny considers inferior Mexicans unqualified to become Americans whereas the mission aspect of Manifest Destiny dictates that Mexicans would become improved under American democracy. The â€Å"All Mexico† movement quickly abated with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 which granted Alta California and Nuevo Mà ©xico to the United States, both of which were sparsely populated with Mexicans. After the Mexican-American War ended in 1848, disagreements over the expansion of slavery made further annexation by conquest too divisive to be official government policy. The belief in Manifest Destiny in the 1840’s greatly influenced both U.S. politics and policy and is to blame or thank for Americas expansion from â€Å"sea to shining sea.†

Saturday, September 14, 2019

‘Dancing at Lughnasa’, dramatic techniques and devices Essay

* Foreshadowing – through the use of devices (see below) or narrative; Friel often hints at what comes later in the play, sometimes sneaky – in the first dialogue for example, Chris says â€Å"When are we going to get a decent mirror to see ourselves in? † – this could be interpreted as Friel showing that the women are blind to the world around them, to their own inner trouble, and just how close their family is to the blink of collapse. It is a good line for Friel to highlight that at this moment in time, everything is as it should be and nothing has crumbled yet, but it will, and the sisters cannot foretell it. * Use of symbolic devices such as the radio (the music foreshadows events in the play, hints at backstory, usually provides a sense of what the women feel inside but cannot express on the outside, used to reference context and ultimately link the women from their microcosm in Ballybeg to the wider world) or the kites (representing escape as a pair, possibly Jack and Gerry, or, when one considers the tortured faces, a foreshadowing of Rose and Agnes’s doomed leave.) * Stage Directions – Friel’s stage directions are highly detailed and this shows that to Friel, every little character and stage detail is important, (takes the opening tableau for example. ) Each aunt has their own, very particular on stage personality, but these are certainly not 2D characters when Friel still leaves some questions unanswered to the audience – e. g; What is going on between Gerry and Agnes? Why is it that Friel wants Agnes to fly up in a passion, ‘on the point of tears’ when Kate is badmouthing Gerry, but the situation between them is never explored in more detail? It makes the false memory concept all the more interesting, as the audience can forget that this is what Michael is supposed to remember as ‘more real than incident’ and ‘both actual and illusory’. * The Unseen Boy – In ‘Dancing at Lughnasa’, the narrator is the adult Michael, and Friel chooses also to have the adult Michael reading the ‘boy’s lines, and the aunts must never address the boy. This is a surreal concept, but both helps the audience remember that the whole play is Michael’s memory; â€Å"When I cast my mind back†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and also foreshadows Michael’s absence and escape later on in the play, or as a boy, his lack of understanding of the situation. Alternatively, it again highlights the surreal concept that Michael can remember things that may or may not have happened as he is not present in those scenes. * The False Memory – â€Å"But there is one memory of that Lughnasa time that visits me most often; and what fascinates me about that memory is that it owes nothing to fact†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The play is largely focused on Michael’s relationship with the memories of his past, as his interspersed blocks of narration illustrate, but there is the question raised that, in fact, did most of the play, where Michael isn’t present, even happen? It is all supposed to be from his memory, so how can he remember something which isn’t true? The ending sets this question further in the audience’s minds when Michael talks about a memory that truly does have no factual ground at all, and you can see elements of this seeping in throughout the play itself, (such as blasts of thirties music or referencing to historical context) and you can see it played out as if peppered with bits of memory that didn’t necessarily happen at those times or in that order. It does have a dream-like quality for these reasons, and only when we wake up do we realise something was strange – I believe this is the effect Friel intended to create for the audience. With memory, we often remember what stands out to us, not necessarily in the right order, but what Michael makes plain at the end is that his version of events is both real and imagined at the same time, and his memories become more true to feelings as they go further from the actual order of events.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Can machines think Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Can machines think - Essay Example The complexity of the process of thinking is evident in the very fact that the meaning of the word ‘to think’ can be interpreted in so many different ways. The definition of the process of thinking is also left open-ended enough to accommodate as many if not infinitely more choices and applicability. However, scientists who are involved in what can be termed as thinking capability or ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in machines work on â€Å"the premise that all cognitive activity can be explained in terms of computation. This premise has a long and illustrious tradition in Western philosophy, starting with Aristotle and Plato, who believed that thought, like any other physical phenomenon, can be unraveled using scientific observation and logical inference. Gottfried Leibniz, who equated thought with calculation, set the stage for George Boole’s treatise on propositional logic boldly titled â€Å"The Laws of Thought.† The advent of computers and the progress made in symbolic computation led to a new branch of computer science envisioned in Alan Turing’s â€Å"Computing Machinery and Intelligence.† (Reddy, 1996, p. 86) The answer to the question ‘Can machines think?’ will therefore depend on two fundamental conceptions. First, the definition of the term ‘thinking’ or ‘to think’ will have to be fixed in the context of the man-machine equation, and second and more important, it will have to be determined whether machines are capable of thinking in the context of this definition, and if they are, then to what extent they are capable of doing so in comparison to human beings. Since the faculty of thinking is directly related to intelligence, the capability of thinking, either in man or machine, will also be a function of intelligence. Human intelligence is thus translated to Artificial Intelligence (IA) in machines. The world at large is divided into two distinct camps which hold radically opposing views on the capability of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Embryonic stem cells Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Embryonic stem cells - Research Paper Example Because of this precious ability, embryonic stem cells can be used to treat many of the human diseases. However, isolation of embryonic stem cells is impossible without destroying the embryo and therefore embryonic stem cell isolation and researches are controversial. This paper briefly analyses utility of embryonic stem cells and the ethical issues involved in embryonic stem cell research. Utility of embryonic stem cells According to Dr Rickard (2002), â€Å"the culturing of embryonic stem cells holds tremendous potential for the development of new forms of regenerative medicine to treat debilitating or fatal conditions that would not otherwise be curable† (Dr Rickard, 2002, p.1). Starr et al have pointed out that embryonic stem cells have huge importance in the life of a person and it could be used to provide new nerve cells (Starr et al., 2010, p.449). It should be noted that there are many people in this world who are suffering from nerve problems such as Parkinson disease , Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, dimenisia Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS etc. These diseases can affect the memory of the patient and normal life is extremely difficult for them. For example, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a disease which affects nerve cells in brain and spinal cord which control muscle movement. Even though genetic defects were reported in some cases, the exact reasons for ALS is still unknown in majority of the cases. (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, n. d.). ALS patients may not be able to move freely because of the problems in the communication between brain and muscles. Nerve cells or neurons which helps brain to communicate with other body organs may become dysfunctional in the case of ALS patients. Embryonic stem cells can do wonders in the case of such patients. As mentioned earlier, embryonic stem cells have the ability to reproduce all the lost cells and it can bring back the patient to his normal state. According to Inou (2010), Neurodegenerative d iseases like Alzheimers' is caused by problems in cortical neurons whereas in dementia, Lewy bodies, or frontotemporal lobar degeneration is causing the disease. Parkinson disease is caused by dopaminergic neurons whereas upper and lower motor neurons cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (Inou, 2010, p.2560). As in the case of ALS patients, embryonic stem cells can help patients with neurodegenerative diseases like diseases such as Parkinson disease, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, epilepsy, dimenisia etc. Stem cells are capable of renewing themselves into different types of cells which can be used to replace or repair malfunctioning or inactive cells. Another major feature of embryonic stem cells is its ability to stay secure even after many years, if stored under suitable conditions. Ethical issues involved in embryonic stem cell research Even though separation of adult stem cells is not a worry for medical science, separation of embryonic stem cells is not so. Embry onic stem cells are taken from aborted fetuses. It is impossible to separate embryonic stem cells without killing the embryo. In other words, in order to make the life comfortable for some people, destruction of embryos is necessary. Many people, including believers in different religions have questioned the morality of destroying a human life for saving the life of others. However, there are many others who